Jorge Oteiza Foundation Museum

The Jorge Oteiza Foundation Museum is a private cultural institution that provides a public service, financed by the Government of Navarre. It aims to preserve and disseminate Jorge Oteiza’s extensive creative legacy, which was donated to Navarre in 1992. The Foundation named after Jorge Oteiza (Orio, 1908; San Sebastián, 2003) is responsible for looking after, preserving and cataloguing all its assets, as well as for providing the tools needed to disseminate this and to launch the research projects envisaged in the Foundation’s Statutes, endorsed by its founder in 1996.

Jaione Apalategi is the chairman, Rafael Moneo the honorary chairman, and the secretary is Ignacio Apezteguía, the General Director of Culture in the Regional Government of Navarre. The other Board members are the Minister of Culture in the Regional Government of Navarre, Rebeca Esnaola; the architect Marisa Sáenz de Oiza, the lecturer at the Public niversity of Navarre, Jaione Apalategi; the folklorist Juan Antonio Urbeltz; the writer José Angel Irigaray; the painter Xabier Morrás; the Chief Financial Officer of the Regional Government of Navarre, Begoña Urrutia; the artist Jesús Mari Lazkano and the director of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, Miguel Zugaza.

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Technical team


The Fundación Museo Jorge Oteiza is financed by the regional Gobernment of Navarre.

Other sponsors:

  • Ayuntamiento de Egués
  • Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
  • Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad
  • Mancomunidad Comarca de Pamplona
  • Cátedra Jorge Oteiza de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro
  • Ayuntamiento de Pamplona
  • Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra
  • Museo de Navarra
  • Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Code of Ethics

El Museo Oteiza es miembro del ICOM (International Council Of Museums) y suscribe su Código Deontológico.

De la Cuesta, 24. Alzuza, Navarra
T +34 948 332 074