Research Center

The central mission of the Oteiza Museum Research Centre is to provide support for the study of the work and thought of Jorge Oteiza and contribute to its dissemination. To do so, it offers all those who are interested a documentation centre and manages a programme of publications which is in charge of a critical re-edition, with translation into Basque, of Jorge Oteiza’s written work, and a programme of research grants. The documentation centre houses Jorge Oteiza’s documentary legacy, to which new items from the Memory of Oteiza programme are being added, and the new library of contemporary sculpture and art.

Jorge Oteiza’s documentary legacy consists of his private archive (thousands of manuscripts, outlines and notes, correspondence, photographs, audiovisual recordings and a large number of press cuttings) and his personal library (almost 6,000 monographs and several thousand leaflets and magazines) as well as posters, records and music tapes. The Jorge Oteiza library is part of the exhibition and joins the display of works and their related documents in the final room of the suggested route around the museum. The library boasts a wide variety of subjects, in which art and poetry have pride of place, although other disciplines such as anthropology, philosophy, narrative, history or Basque issues are well represented. The new library of contemporary art and sculpture acts as a resource for the technical team, researchers and the general public. It also has a digital periodicals library with a collection of press items about Jorge Oteiza and the Oteiza Museum Foundation since 2004, as well as a collection of the seven art magazines that the library subscribes to.

The catalogue of the Archive of Jorge Oteiza can be consulted on-line from the special points in the museum reading room. The catalogue of the Library collection (the Jorge Oteiza library and the New library) can be consulted via the Internet, while the Press archive catalogue allows to find articles in daily press or periodicals, either from Jorge Oteiza’s legacy or from those added to the collection since 2004.

The documentation centre is open to anyone wishing to consult its collections, prior registration as a user, from 9:00 to 15:00, Mondays to Fridays, except on public holidays. Registration applications should be sent to: Centro de Estudios del Museo Oteiza, c/Cuesta, 7 Alzuza 31486 Navarra or by e-mail to: documentacion@museooteiza.or

De la Cuesta, 24. Alzuza, Navarra
T +34 948 332 074